1University OrderCUSAT_AD(G).G2/552/2025 of Administration G10/02/2025Equating the scale of pay of Hena l, TO, CIRM in on par with that of System Analyst/System Manager in other Universities - Syndicate resolution - Communicating to the Governement.
2University OrderCUSAT/CIRM.A1/409/2025 of CIRM29/01/2025Issuance and fee payment of RFID cards to PhD Scholars, PDF Scholars, JRFs, Research Assistants etc. admitted from 2024-25 AY onwards - ID card re-issuance fee for contract staff and pensioners.
3University OrderCUSAT/AD(A).A4/342/2025 of Administration A 27/01/2025Engagement of Sweeper cum Cleaner at CIRM on a daily wage basis w.e.f 31.01.2025 to 28.07.2025- reg.
4University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/121/2025 of Administration G10/01/2025Engagement of 4 Technicians Grade II on a daily wage basis wef 01.01.2025 to 28.06.2025 – Orders issued
5University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A3/5239/2024 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION26/11/2024Issuance of Maroon Colour lanyard to students admitted prior to 2024 Academic Year- Fixing of fees –Orders issued
6University OrderCUSAT/AD(D).D1/5184/2024 of Administration G23/11/2024Nomination of Dr. Santhosh Kumar G., Professor, Department of Computer Science to continue as Hon. Director, CIRM for a period of five years w.e.f 16.11.2024 to 15.11.2029 - Sanctioned- Orders issued.
7University OrderCUSAT/CIRM.A1/5039/2024 of REGISTRAR OFFICE13/11/2024CIRM - Temporary Migration of FFMS to an Extended Virtual Server - Work awarded to M/s. Ospyn Technologies Pvt. Ltd - Orders issued.
8University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A5/4459/2024 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION21/10/2024AMC for Data Centre (7th year) awarded to M/s. Fi-Tech Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. from 17.10.2024 to 16.10.2025
9University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A5/4409/2024 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION18/10/2024AMC for FFMS awarded to M/s. Ospyn Technologies, Pvt. Ltd for the period from 25.09.2024 to 24.09.2025
10University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/4242/2024 of Administration G08/10/2024Engagement of a Programmer on daily wage basis w.e.f 17.08.2024 to 11.02.2025 - Vacancy arised due to resignation of Anju S Sharabudeen, Programmer (on Contract).
11University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A3/4153/2024 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION03/10/2024E-Mail Policy for the University - Resolution of the Syndicate - Orders issued
12University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/4116/2024 of Administration G30/09/2024Engagement of two System Analysts on a daily wage basis w.e.f 18.09.2024 and 30.09.2024
13University OrderCUSAT/FIN.A1/4023/2024 of FINANCE20/09/2024Creation of a new Budget Head for RFID System - For RFID card related expenses - orders issued
14University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/3912/2024 of Administration G18/09/2024Renewal of Contract - Bipin V S, Programmer (on contract) - w.e.f 13.08.2024 to 12.08.2025 - orders issued
15University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/3686/2024 of Administration G31/08/2024Relieving order in r/o Anju S Sharabudeen, Programmer (on Contract) w.e.f 16.08.2024 AN - Orders issued
16University OrderCUSAT/AD(A).A4/3581/2024 of Administration A 23/08/2024Engagement of Sweeper cum Cleaner in the sanctioned post on daily wage basis w.e.f 05.08.2024 to 30.01.2025
17University OrderCUSAT/PL(A).A3/3423/2024 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION12/08/2024Renewal of FortiGate 600E (firewall) license for 3 years from 15.08.2024 to 14.08.2027 - PO awarded to M/s. StarOne IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. - Orders issued
18University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A3/3141./2024 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION26/07/2024Implementation of Unified RFID cards to students, staff and pensioners of the University - Guidelines - Orders issued
19University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/3083/2024 of Administration G24/07/2024Establishment - Engagement of Technician Gr. II (4 nos.) on a dailywage basis w.e.f 06.07.2024 to 31.12.2024
20University OrderCUSAT/ITCELL.A1/2740/2024 of IT Cell02/07/2024Constitution of the Software Development Cell under CIRM - Nomination of Sri. Vinod Kumar P P as the in-Charge - Constitution of Technical Committee for Software Monitoring - Sanctioned - Orders Issued.
21University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/2725/2024 of Administration G01/07/2024One time engagement of Programmer on dailywage basis - Sumayya V B - by transferring the syndicate sanctioned post of Technical Assistant Gr.II from DCA - reg.
22University OrderCUSAT/AD(A).A2/2530/2024 of Administration A 20/06/2024Engagement of Assistant on a daily wage basis at IT Cell w.e.f 25.07.2024 to 19.01.2025
23University OrderCUSAT/AC(A).A3/2355/2024 of Academic A07/06/2024Implementation of RFID cards for Students, Research Scholars and Permanent/Contract employees of the University - Fee to be collected - Sanctioned - Orders issued - Reg.
24LetterCUSAT/UEU.UE/43948/2024 of ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT27/04/2024Allocate of room within CIRM which is currently allocated to the Centre of Teaching Excellence (EU Project-Fraction)for DDUKK - reg.
25University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).SO/1669/2024 of Administration G16/04/2024Esst. - Appointment of Programmer advised by KPSC - Kochuthresia M V - reg.
26University OrderCUSAT/PL(A).A3/1659/2024 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION15/04/2024ILL, PRI and WiFi connectivity - Renewal of agreement with BSNL - 01.04.2024 to 31.03.2025 - reg.
27University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/1570/2024 of Administration G06/04/2024Estt. - Appointment of 3 Programmers advised by KPSC - Rivya M, Sunil Zacharias & Anisha K Jose - Reg.
28University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/1449/2024 of Administration G30/03/2024Estt. - Engagement of System Analyst on a daily wage basis - vacancy arises due to the resignation of Divya Y -Reg.
29University OrderCUSAT.AD(G).G2/1172/2024 of Administration G12/03/2024Estt - Anupama George and Bipin V S - Programmers (on Contract) - Extension of Contract - reg.
30University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A5/1174/2024 of Administration G12/03/2024E-Office implementation - Aneurin Salim A L, DR CIRM nominated as Nodal Officer - orders issued - reg.
31University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/1133/2024 of Administration G07/03/2024Estt. - Transfer of George M Jacob, Tech. Asst. Gr.III from Dept. of CS, SOE to CIRM - Transfer of one regular vacant post of Tech. Asst. Gr.III from CUCEK to CIRM - Orders issued - reg.
32University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/1115/2024 of Administration G06/03/2024Estt – Engagement of 2 Programmers and 1 System Analyst on a daily wage basis - vacancy arises due to relieving of Ann Maria Varghese, Jelin Chacko & Sreeja A
33University OrderCUSAT/PL(A).A3/790/2024 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION16/02/2024300 Mbps ILL connectivity from PowerTel -CUSATECH Foundation - Accepting payment from CUSATECH - Establishing connectivity - Sanction accorded.
34LetterPL(A).A2/CIRM/Purchase/2024 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION15/02/2024Purchase two additional servers for FFMS - Payment in FY 2024-25 - Sanction accorded
35University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G3/429/2024 of Administration G29/01/2024Exception from Biometric Punching - Physically Handicapped Employees who requires high-support
36University OrderCUSAT/PL(A).A3/378/2024 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION24/01/2024Rate Contract for Telecommunication Cabling and Equipments with M/s Voxdata Tech Private Limited from 27.01.2024 to 26.01.2026.
37University OrderCUSAT/PL(A).A3/349/2024 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION23/01/2024Rate contract for LAN Cabling with M/s BNA Technology Consulting Ltd for 2 years from 27.01.2024 to 26.01.2026 - reg.
38University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/328/2024 of Administration G22/01/2024Estt. - Anju S Sharabudeen, Programmer (on Contract) - Renewal of Contract for the third year - orders issued - reg.
39CircularACNTS1_A4__GST_TDS__2023-24 of FINANCE19/01/2024TDS on GST - Clarifications on interstate sale
40University OrderCUSAT_AD(A).A4_270_2024 of Administration A 18/01/2024Establishment - Engagement of Sweeper cum Cleaner on a daily wage basis in the sanctioned post from 08.02.2024 to 04.08.2024
41University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/222/2024 of Administration G16/01/2024Establishment - Engagement of Technician Grade II (4 nos.) on a dailywage basis from 09.01.2024 to 05.07.2024
42University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A5/113/2024 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION08/01/2024AMC for Data Centre (6th year) awarded to M/s. Fi-Tech Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. from 17.10.2023 to 16.10.2024
43University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/38/2024 of Administration G01/01/2024Engagement of Programmer on daily wage basis - vacancy arises due to resignation of Ashlin Rockey, Programmer (on contract) - 05.02.2024 to 01.08.2024
44University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/5558/2023 of Administration G26/12/2023Establishment - Renewal of Contract for year - Ciby Paul, Technical Assistant Grade III - Programmers: Ann Maria Varghese - Jelin Chacko - Amrutha Surendran - Orders Issued.
45University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/5407/2023 of Administration G15/12/2023Establishment – Renewal of Contract - Smt. Sreeja A, System Analyst, CIRM - Erratum - Orders issued.
46LetterAd.G2/CIRM/T.S/2020 of Administration G07/12/2023CIRM - Renewal of contract of Technical Assistant Grade III/ Programmers - Ann Mariya Varghese, Ciby Paul, Jelin Chacko, Amrutha Surendran - reg.
47University OrderCUSAT/AD(A).A1/5185/2023 of Administration A 30/11/2023Establishment - Retirement on superannuation of Smt. Santhi S, Joint Registrar (Finance) - Sri. Iqubal V K, Section Officer - Permission to rejoin duty - Consequent promotions, transfers and postings – Transfer Sajeev to SOE and Jithin from Central Library Sanctioned – Orders Issued
48University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A5/5047/2023 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION22/11/2023AMC of FFMS for the year 2023-24 (25.09.2023 to 24.09.2024) - Agreement with M/s. Ospyn Technologies, Pvt. Ltd - Payment in two equal installments - Sanctioned - Orders Issued.
49University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/5004/2023 of Administration G20/11/2023Establishment – Sri. Ashlin Rockey, Programmer (on contract), Centre for Information Resource Management - Relieving of - Sanctioned –Orders issued
50CircularAccts1/A4/ITTDS-GST- System Data/2023 of FINANCE31/10/2023IT TDS - Section 194 of IT Act 1961 - IT TDS Schedule Format
51University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A5/4369/2023 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION07/10/2023Annual Maintenance Contract of FFMS - Agreement with M/s.Ospyn Technologies for the year 2022-2023 (25/09/2022 to 24/09/2023) - Sanctioned - Orders Issued.
52University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/4328/2023 of Administration G06/10/2023Establishment – Engagement of Technician Grade I (2 Nos.) on daily wage basis in the CIRM w.e.f September 2023 - Sanctioned – Orders issued
53University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/4304/2023 of Administration G04/10/2023Establishment- Renewal of contract - Sreeja A System Analyst and Ashlin Rockey Programmer in the Centre for Information Resource Management - Sanctioned - Second Year - Orders issued
54University OrderCUSAT/PL(B).A3/4305/2023 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION04/10/2023SERB Start-up Grant Project implemented at Dept. of Physics under the Principal Investigatorship of Dr. Prasad V. V. - Installation of High-Performance Server at CIRM - Sanctioned - Orders issued
55University OrderCUSAT/FIN.A3/4269/2023 of FINANCE03/10/2023Budget Estimates 2023-24 (21-0) - Centre for Information Resource Management (CIRM) – Diversion of funds to 1-21-0-Q-1-002 from 1-21-0-Q-1-025 and 1-21-0-Q-1-050 - Sanctioned - Orders issued
56LetterAd.D2/Misc/2023 of Administration D30/09/2023Technical Evaluation Committee for IBS Implementation Project- Expert from CUSAT - Dr. Santhosh Kumar G - nomination of-reg
57LetterAd.G2/CIRM/T.S/2020 of Administration G18/09/2023Renewal of Contract appointment of Sri. Ashlin Rockey, Programmer, CIRM for the Second Year - reg
58University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A5/3860/2023 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION05/09/2023CIRM - Digitisation of day files (2015-2019) and other documents at the Records Section - Extension of Engagement of staff on daily wage basis w.e.f August 2023 to March 2024 - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
59University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/3751/2023 of Administration G25/08/2023Establishment – CIRM - Appointment of Smt. Anupama George and Sri. Bipin V.S as Programmers (on contract ) – For the first year - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
60University OrderCUSAT/AD(A).A4/3701/2023 of Administration A 21/08/2023Establishment - Engaging of Sweeper cum Cleaners on daily wage basis w.e.f 13/08/2023- Sanctioned - Orders issued.
61University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A5/3639/2023 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION16/08/2023National Knowledge Network Project - Payment to BSNL bill for the extended period - Sanctioned - Orders Issued.
62LetterAd.G2/System Analyst/CIRM/2020 of Administration G31/07/2023Administrative Sanction - Renewal of contract in respect of Smt. Sreeja A, System Analyst (on Contract) for the Second Year- reg
63University OrderCUSAT/PL(B).A1/3115/2023 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION11/07/2023Purchase of 2U Rack servers and SAN storage devices at Centre for Information Resource Management (CIRM) and Sanction amount as Advance - Resolution of the Syndicate-Communicated -Orders Issued
64University OrderCUSAT/UEU(ADM).A4/3064/2023 of ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT09/07/2023Lack of sufficient rooms in Guest House - Accommodation for CIRM - Savanna Hostel - Alternate arrangements made - Orders issued.
65University OrderCUSAT/FIN.A3/2940/2023 of FINANCE01/07/2023Budget Estimates 2023-24 (21-0) - Centre for Information Resource Management (CIRM) –Re- appropriation between budget heads - July 2023 - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
66University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/2916/2023 of Administration G27/06/2023Establishment – CIRM- Engagement of Technician Grade II on daily wage basis against sanctioned posts w.e.f 14/07/2023 - Sanctioned –Orders issued
67University OrderCUSAT/PL(B).A1/2592/2023 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION07/06/2023Centre for Information Resources Management (CIRM) - Purchase of License Renewal of Fortiweb Analyser 400 D - Sanctioned- Orders Issued
68University OrderCUSAT/AD(A).A1/2553/2023 of Administration A 05/06/2023Establishment - Additional charge of Office of Centre for Information Resource Management- Assigning to Sri. Aneurin Salim A L, Deputy Registrar, Office of the Registrar- Sanctioned - Orders issued.
69LetterCUSAT/PL(B).A1/63880/2023 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION02/06/2023Administrative Sanction - Requirement of 200 Mbps dedicated LAN for the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) platform under KIIFB Project at the Lakeside Campus and Purchase of UTM Box-Reg
70University OrderCUSAT/AD(D).D1/2323/2023 of Administration D24/05/2023Establishment - CIRM - Dr. Santhosh Kumar G., Professor & Director, CIRM - Leaving Country on Academic Visit to the Queen's University, Belfast, United Kingdom - Handing over the Charge of CIRM - Sanctioned - Orders issued
71University OrderCUSAT/FIN.A3/2100/2023 of FINANCE09/05/2023Budget Estimates 2023-24 (21-0) - Centre for Information Resource Management (CIRM) – Additional allocation of funds Under 'Computers and Peripheral devices' and 'Repair and maintenance -Other equipments'- Sanctioned - Orders issued.
72University OrderCUSAT/AD(D).SO/1827/2023 of Administration D20/04/2023Establishment - Dr. Santhosh Kumar G., Professor, Department of Computer Science - Visit to the United Kingdom in connection with the collaborative Research Project at Queen's University Belfast - Sanctioned - Orders Issued
73University OrderCUSAT/PL(A).A3/1639/2023 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION04/04/2023Broadband Internet Connectivity and WiFi Connectivity in the University - Renewal of agreement with M/s Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) (2023-2024) - Sanctioned subject to reporting to Syndicate - Orders Issued.
74LetterCUSAT/PL(UGC).A1/2695/2019 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION29/03/2023Procurement of Bio Lite Net Machines - Administrative Sanction granted - reg
75University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/1505/2023 of Administration G28/03/2023Establishment – CIRM-Engagement of Programmer on daily wage basis wef 13/03/2023 - Sanctioned –Orders issued.
76University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/1315/2023 of Administration G21/03/2023Establishment –CIRM - Surrender of Earned Leave for contract Technical Staff - 2022-2023 - Sanctioned - Orders issued
77University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/1103/2023 of Administration G08/03/2023Establishment – CIRM-Engagement of two Technicians Grade I (without post) on daily wage basis with effect from March 2023 - Sanctioned –Orders issued.
78University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A5/1049/2023 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION03/03/2023CIRM - Digitization of the day files (2015-19) and other documents of the Records Section - Extension of the existing project - Engagement of daily wage staff for the project - Sanctioned w.e.f March 2023 - Orders issued
79University OrderCUSAT/PL(B).A1/997/2023 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION28/02/2023Centre for Information Resource Management (CIRM) -Shifting of smart racks from the Department of Computer Science to the Data Centre at CIRM - Sanctioned- Orders Issued
80University OrderCUSAT/AD(A).A4/872/2023 of Administration A 23/02/2023Establishment - Engaging of Sweeper cum Cleaners on daily wage basis at CIRM w.e.f 15/02/2023 - Sanctioned - Orders issued
81University OrderCUSAT/CONF.A2/844/2023 of CONFERENCE SECTION20/02/2023Digitization of the minutes of the meetings of the Senate, Academic Council and Regulations of various programmes -revised rate of remuneration to the daily wage staff-Sanctioned-orders issued.
82University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/526/2023 of Administration G03/02/2023Establishment- CIRM - Ms. Anju S Sharabudeen, Programmer & Ms. Divya Y, System Analyst - Renewal of contract for the second year - Sanctioned - Orders issued
83University Order.CUSAT/AD(G).G2/260/2023 of Administration G20/01/2023Establishment - Re-designation of Computer Programmer, Computer Operator & Software Developer & Permanent transfer to CIRM-resolution of the Syndicate-communicated - orders issued
84University OrderCUSAT/AD(D).D1/244/2023 of Administration D17/01/2023Establishment - Enhancement of honorarium to all honorary posts in the University - Disbursement of Honorarium along with salary through UNISPARK - Resolution of the Syndicate - Communicated - Orders issued
85University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/16/2023 of Administration G03/01/2023Establishment – CIRM- Engagement of Technician Grade II on daily wage basis w.e.f 16/01/2023 - Sanctioned –Orders issued
86LetterPL(A).A2/CIRM/Purchase/2022 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION31/12/2022Digitisation Project - Purchase of Laptops - Administrative sanction - Intimation - reg
87University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/5760/2022 of Administration G27/12/2022Establishment – CIRM - Appointment of Programmers (on contract) –Jelin Chacko and Amrutha Surendran for the first year of Contract - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
88LetterAd.G2/CIRM/T.S/2020 of Administration G23/12/2022Mrs. Anju S Sharabudeen, Programmer, and Ms. Divya Y, System Analyst, CIRM, - renewal of the contract for the second year-reg.
89University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/5710/2022 of Administration G22/12/2022Establishment - CIRM - Ms. Ann Mariya Varghese, Programmer (on contract) and Mr. Ciby Paul, Technical Assistant Grade III - Second Year - Renewal of contract -Sanctioned - Orders issued
90University Order.CUSAT/PL(UGC).A5/5566/2022 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION13/12/2022Centre for Information and Resource Management (CIRM) - Annual Maintenance contract for Data Centre of the University for the year 2022-2023 - Advance - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
91LetterCUSAT/PL(B).A1/117022/2022 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION08/12/2022Prior administrative sanction for the renewal of the license of Fortiweb 400D - Purchase -reg
92LetterAd.G2/CIRM/T.S/2020 of Administration G24/11/2022Ms. Ann Mariya Varghese, Programmer and Mr. Ciby Paul, Technical Assistant Grade III - renewal of contract for the second year w.e.f 02/12/2022-reg
93University OrderCUSAT/FIN.A1/5166/2022 of FINANCE18/11/2022Budget Estimates 2022-23-(21-0)-Centre for Information Resource Management (CIRM) - Miscellaneous Expenses- -Re-appropriation of funds-Sanctioned-Orders issued.
94University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A5/5057/2022 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION10/11/2022Information/Cyber Security Oversight Committee - Constituted - Orders issued
95University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/4436/2022 of Administration G01/10/2022Establishment – Engagement of two Technicians Grade I on daily wage basis in CIRM with effect from September 2022 - Sanctioned –Orders issued
96OthersAd.G2/CIRM/T.S/2020 of Administration G28/09/2022Esst. - Service and administrative matters in r/o of Hena L to be routed through CIRM
97University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A5/4343/2022 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION27/09/2022Digitization of the day files (2015-19) and other documents kept in the Records Section - Extension of existing project - Work entrusted to the Honorary Director, CIRM- Engagement of additional staff - Sanctioned - Orders Issued
98University OrderCUSAT/GA&EL.A1/4359/2022 of GENERAL ADMINISTRATION & ELECTION, TAPAL27/09/2022CIRM - Adopting Malayalam Name and Official Time Change - Sanction Accorded - regarding
99University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/4274/2022 of Administration G22/09/2022Establishment –CIRM - Appointment of Sri Ashlin Rockey, Programmer (on contract ) – Sanctioned - Orders issued.
100University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G3/4130/2022 of Administration G14/09/2022Establishment – Appointment of Computer Assistants transferred from University of Calicut under Inter University Transfer Scheme on reciprocal basis –LISHA E.G - Sanctioned – Orders issued
101Letter CUSAT/PL(B).A1/82999/2022 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION05/09/2022Prior administrative sanction for the purchase of Re-transfer ID Card Printer (Dual Side) for Chip based ID Card for the staff and Plastic ID Card Printer for students ID card in the Department -reg
102University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/4039/2022 of Administration G05/09/2022Establishment - Confirmation of posts transferred to CIRM - resolution of the Syndicate communicated - orders issued
103University Order.CUSAT/AD(G).G3/3969/2022 of Administration G31/08/2022Establishment –Smt. Shaharban M, Smt. Midhusha R S and Smt. Shibili C S - Computer Assistants - Transfer to University of Calicut under the Inter University Transfer Scheme on reciprocal basis – Sanctioned – Orders issued.
104CircularAd.D1/Misc/2016 of Administration D24/08/2022Holidays declared by District Collectors to Educational Institutions - Non-applicability to University Teachers - GO implementation
105University OrderCUSAT/AD(A).A4/3815/2022 of Administration A 23/08/2022Establishment - Engaging of Sweeper cum Cleaners on daily wage basis w.e.f 20/08/2022 - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
106University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/3761/2022 of Administration G20/08/2022Establishment –CIRM - Appointment of Smt. Sreeja A, System Analyst (on contract) – First Year - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
107University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/3485/2022 of Administration G02/08/2022Establishment – CIRM- Engagement of Technician Grade II on daily wage basis w.e.f 21/07/2022 - Sanctioned –Orders issued
108LetterCUSAT/PL(B).A1/65824/2022 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION26/07/2022Prior Administrative sanction for the works related to the communication systems( internet &Intercom) at the new building of Lakeside Campus-reg;
109University OrderCUSAT/IQAC.A1/3335/2022 of IQAC23/07/2022Proposals from Centres for urgent maintenance works and improvement of general ambience as part of beautification of the University-Sanctioned-Orders issued
110University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).SO/2800/2022 of Administration G22/06/2022Establishment - Appointment/Posting/Transfer of Computer Assistants Grade II advised by the Kerala Public Service Commission - Mrs.Shibli. C.S - Sanctioned -Orders issued.
111LetterCUSAT/PL(B).SO/53838/2022 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION14/06/2022Proposals for Expenditure from State Plan Grant 2022-23- Intimation of Administrative sanction- reg.
112University OrderCUSAT/PL(B).A1/2586/2022 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION08/06/2022Centre for Information Resource Management(CIRM) - Rate Contract for "LAN Cabling & Telecommunication works" -Revised budget head for departments-sanctioned- Orders Issued
113University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A4/2547/2022 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION07/06/2022Centre for Information Resource Management (CIRM) - Purchase of Core Switch and Edge Switch with accessories -Extension of period for settling the advance up to 30/09/2022 - Sanctioned - Orders issued
114University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A1/2492/2022 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION02/06/2022Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board (KIIFB) - Procurement of Laboratory Equipments for developing Cochin University of Science and Technology into International Centre of Excellence in Academics & Research - High Performance Computer to Common Facility - Location at CIRM - Honorary Director, CIRM - Entrusting responsibility of procurement - sanctioned - Orders issued.
115University OrderCUSAT/AD(C).C2/2227/2022 of Administration C18/05/2022Administrative Office - Centre for Information Resource Management- Purchase of Eight Laptops - Sanctioned – Orders issued.
116University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/2119/2022 of Administration G09/05/2022Establishment – Engagement of two Technicians Grade I on daily wage basis in CIRM w.e.f March 2022 - Sanctioned –Orders issued.
117LetterCUSAT/PL(B).A1/19743/2022 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION06/04/2022Administrative sanction for sharing Main campus network to Alakananda Hostel -reg
118University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A5/1581/2022 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION02/04/2022Broadband Internet Connectivity and WiFi Connectivity in the University - Renewal of agreement with M/s Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited(BSNL)- 2022-2023 - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
119University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/1593/2022 of Administration G02/04/2022Establishment – CIRM – Sri. Lal P, Computer Operator (on contract)– renewal of third year contract- Sanctioned - Orders issued
120LetterCUSAT/PL(B).A1/19066/2022 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION08/03/2022Prior Administrative sanction for providing network connection for the installation of CCTV monitoring system for various locations in the Campus-reg
121LetterAd.G2/Comp.Operator/2019 of Administration G25/02/2022Sri Lal P, Computer Operator, CIRM-Renewal of Contract for the third year w.e.f 10/03/2022-reg
122University OrderCUSAT/AD(A).A4/959/2022 of Administration A 24/02/2022Establishment - Engaging of Sweeper cum Cleaners on daily wage basis w.e.f 22/02/2022 - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
123University OrderCUSAT/FIN.A3/944/2022 of FINANCE23/02/2022Budget Estimates 2021-22 (21-0) - Centre for Information Resource Management (CIRM) – Diversion of funds from 'Repair/Maintenance' to 'Communication'- Sanctioned - Orders issued.
124University OrderCUSAT/AD(D).D1/888/2022 of Administration D21/02/2022Establishment - Dr. K. Satheesan, Professor & Head, Department of Atmospheric Sciences & Dr. Harikrishnan D., Associate Professor, Division of Information Technology, Cochin University College of Engineering. Kuttanad- Nomination to liaison with the Centre on network related matters in Lakeside Campus & CUCEK - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
125University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/803/2022 of Administration G15/02/2022Establishment – CIRM- Engagement of Technical Staff on daily wage basis -1 Programmer & 4 Technician Grade II - From January 2022 - Sanctioned –Orders issued
126University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A4/763/2022 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION11/02/2022Centre for Information Resource Management(CIRM) - Purchase of UTM Box and Core Switch, Edge Switch etc. - Advance - Sanctioned subject to reporting to the Syndicate - Orders issued.
127University OrderCUSAT/FIN.A3/720/2022 of FINANCE08/02/2022Budget Estimates 2021-22 (21-0) - Centre for Information Resource Management (CIRM) – Creation of new budget heads -Allocation of funds - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
128University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A1/694/2022 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION08/02/2022Biometric Attendance Marking System - Adoption of a new system - Technical committee constituted - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
129University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/689/2022 of Administration G05/02/2022Establishment-Smt. Anupama George, System Analyst (on contract), CIRM - Relieving from the duties- Sanctioned- orders issued
130University OrderCUSAT/FIN.A3/582/2022 of FINANCE02/02/2022Budget Estimates 2021-22 (21-0) - Centre for Information Resource Management (CIRM) – Diversion of funds for Repair/Maintenance of Computers and Allied equipments ,Miscellaneos Expenses and Purchase of computers and Allied equipments– Additional allocation of funds - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
131University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A1/563/2022 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION01/02/2022Centre for Information and Resource Management (CIRM) - Annual Maintenance Contract of File Flow Management System (FFMS)- 2021- 2022 - Advance - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
132University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/435/2022 of Administration G27/01/2022Establishment – Smt. Sreeja A, Computer Programmer (on contract), CIRM – Renewal of Contract for the third year – Sanctioned - Orders issued
133University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/431/2022 of Administration G25/01/2022Establishment – CIRM - Appointment of Ms. Divya Y, System Analyst (on contract) & Ms. Anju S Sharabudeen, Programmer (on contract) – Sanctioned - Orders issued.
134LetterCUSAT/PL(UGC).A4/IDCARDS/2022 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION19/01/2022Distribution of Lanyard and ID Card Holder for the regular staff of the University - Administrative Sanction - Reg
135LetterAD(C).C2/Purchase /CIRM/2021 of Administration C07/01/2022Purchase of Servers, Laptops and Storage device - Administrative sanction - Intimation - reg
136University OrderCUSAT/PL(B).A1/116/2022 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION06/01/2022Centre for Information Resource Management(CIRM) - Rate Contract for LAN Cabling 2022-2024 - sanctioned-Orders Issued
137University OrderCUSAT/PL(B).A1/117/2022 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION06/01/2022Centre for Information Resource Management (CIRM) -Rate contract for Telecommunication cabling and Equipments 2022-2024 -Sanctioned- Orders Issued
138University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A1/4756/2021 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION28/12/2021Centre for Information and Resource Management (CIRM) – Annual maintenance contract for Data Centre of the University October 2021 to October 2022- Advance - Sanctioned - Orders issued
139University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/4634/2021 of Administration G20/12/2021Establishment – CIRM - Appointment of Ms. Ann Maria Varghese, Programmer (on contract) & Sri Ciby Paul, Technical Assistant Grade III (on contract) – Sanctioned - Orders issued
140LetterAD.G2/Comp.Prog/Dw/2019 of Administration G14/12/2021Computer Programmers (on contract basis)– Smt. Sreeja A and Kum. Amrutha Manoharan - renewal of contract (for Third Year) - Administrative Sanction
141University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/4182/2021 of Administration G22/11/2021Establishment - CIRM - Sri Sha Ahammed Roze, Programmer (on daily wage basis)- extension of period of engagement -sanctioned-orders issued
142LetterCUSAT/PL(B).A1/66617/2021 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION22/11/2021Prior Administrative sanction to purchase Core switches and Edge switches - reg
143University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/4100/2021 of Administration G16/11/2021Establishment - Programmer, e-governance cell (on daily wage basis)- request for continuous engagement - Ms. Ann Mariya Varghese - sanctioned-orders issued
144LetterCUSAT/PL(UGC).A1/2695/2019 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION09/11/2021E-Governance - Handing over Data Centre and Bio-metric Attendance System - reg
145University OrderCUSAT/CONF.A2/3931/2021 of CONFERENCE SECTION04/11/2021Digitization of the minutes of the Senate, Academic Council and Regulations of various courses- U.O modified- Project Mode - 3 days break after 89 days engagement - Orders issued.
146LetterPL(UGC)4/CIRM/Internet Vol.II/2012-13 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION01/11/2021Adoption of new connection methods for improvement of Internet connectivity - Purchase of Unified Threat Management (UTM) Box for installation at CUCEK - Restructuring of cables and replacement of old switching devices at the lakeside campus - Administrative Sanction - reg.
147University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).SO/3846/2021 of Administration G29/10/2021Establishment – Sri Shibu A.S., Technical Officer Grade I, Centre for Information Resource and Management - Leave Without Allowances for taking up employment abroad (USA) -Sanctioned –Orders issued.
148University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G4/3833/2021 of Administration G28/10/2021Establishment - Remuneration of non-teaching staff on daily wage - Enhanced - Resolution of the Syndicate - Communicated - Orders issued.
149University OrderCUSAT/PL(B).SO/3702/2021 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION20/10/2021E tender- Uploading of documents and tender opening related activities- Shifting of responsibilities - Reg.
150University OrderCUSAT/FIN.A2/3677/2021 of FINANCE18/10/2021Finance Section -- Promotion of Senior Grade Assistants to Assistant Section Officer, Sajeev M V -- Fixation of Pay -- University Order-Modified-- Orders issued.
151University OrderCUSAT/FIN.A2/3572/2021 of FINANCE08/10/2021Finance Section -- Fixation of pay of Sri. Shibu A.S., Technical Officer Grade I, Department of Computer Science (Currently working in CIRM) -- Sanctioned -- Orders issued.
152University OrderCUSAT/PL(B).A1/3424/2021 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION01/10/2021Centre for Information Resource Management (CIRM) - Purchase of SMS and Biometric Chip ID Cards -sanctioned -Orders issued.
153University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/3353/2021 of Administration G25/09/2021Establishment –Engagement of two Technician Grade I on daily wage basis in CIRM - Sanctioned – wef 17/09/2021 and 28/09/2021 - Orders issued
154University OrderCUSAT/AD(A).A4/3281/2021 of Administration A 24/09/2021Establishment - Engagement of Sweeper cum Cleaners on daily wage basis wef 27/08/2021 - Sanctioned -Orders issued
155University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).SO/3089/2021 of Administration G09/09/2021Establishment - Engagement of External Software Expert in a consultancy mode - Sanctioned –Orders issued
156LetterCUSAT/PL(B).A1/39538/2021 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION02/09/2021Prior Administrative sanction for the refurbishment of Switch Data Room -Reg:
157University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G4/2799/2021 of Administration G17/08/2021Establishment - Government Orders - Onam Allowance, Onam Advance 2021 -2022 - Adopted for implementation in the University subject to reporting to the Syndicate -Orders issurd.
158University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/2689/2021 of Administration G08/08/2021Establishment – Smt.Anupama George, System Analyst, CIRM – Renewal of Contract Third Year– Sanctioned - Orders issued
159University OrderCUSAT/GA&EL.A1/2670/2021 of GENERAL ADMINISTRATION & ELECTION, TAPAL06/08/2021General Administration- Golden Jubliee Celebration of the University- Live Streaming and other related expenditure- Sanctioned- Orders Issued.
160University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/2560/2021 of Administration G30/07/2021Establishment –Engagement of Technical Assistants on daily wage basis in CIRM w.e.f 28/07/2021 for 179 days - Sanctioned –Orders issued
161University OrderCUSAT/CONF.A2/2668/2021 of CONFERENCE SECTION30/07/2021Digitization of the Minutes of the Meetings of the Senate, Academic Council and Regulations of various courses of the University -work entrusted to the Director, CIRM-Orders issued.
162University OrderCUSAT/PL(B).A1/2394/2021 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION16/07/2021Centre for Information Resource Management (CIRM) - Purchase of VM ware ,v sphere,v SAN and V centre software -sanctioned -Orders issued.
163University OrderCUSAT/PL(B).A1/2372/2021 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION15/07/2021Centre for Information Resource Management (CIRM) -Purchase of New Unified Threat Management (UTM) Box with Three Year License- Sanctioned-Orders Issued.
164LetterAd.G2/System Analyst/CIRM/2020 of Administration G09/07/2021Smt. Anupama George, System Analyst (on contract) -Renewal of contract - For third year- reg
165LetterPL(UGC)4/CIRM/Internet Vol.II/2012-13 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION11/06/2021Request for payment for renewing NKN connectivity to M/s BSNL - Declined - Intimation - reg.
166University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A1/1974/2021 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION01/06/2021File Flow Management System (FFMS) - Annual Maintenance Contract awarded to M/s. Keltron - Entrusting administrative responsibility to Honorary Director, CIRM - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
167CircularCUSAT/AUDIT(B).B3/23442/2021 of FINANCE01/06/2021Releasing wages to daily wage employees engaged in various offices of the University during the Month, May 2021 - Reg
168LetterCUSAT/PL(B).A1/9499/2021 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION19/04/2021Prior administrative sanction for the up gradation of VM ware Hyper Converged Infrastructure (HCI) for the servers at the data centre
169University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/1598/2021 of Administration G15/04/2021Establishment – Sri Shibu A.S., Technical Assistant Grade III, CIRM- Promotion under Technical Cadre(scientific) - Promoted as Technical Officer Grade I-Sanctioned –Orders issued
170OthersNIL No. of REGISTRAR OFFICE12/04/2021Declaration for waiver for submitting bill of entry details to RBI- to SBI for all departments in the University
171University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/1545/2021 of Administration G09/04/2021Establishment – CIRM – Sri Lal P, Computer Operator (on contract)– renewal of contract (second term) - Sanctioned - Orders issued
172University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/1499/2021 of Administration G05/04/2021Establishment – CIRM-Technical Staff (on contract basis) – Surrender of Earned Leave – Sanctioned – Orders issued
173University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A1/1494/2021 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION03/04/2021Administrative Office & CIRM - AMC of 2 Nos. of 40 KVA online UPS - Release of Annual Payment for 4th year - Entrusting the upkeep & maintenance of UPS and batteries with Engineering Department - Sanctioned - Orders issued
174CircularCUSAT/Fin.II/Misc/2019 (I) of FINANCE30/03/2021Execution of Undertaking for the purpose of Pay Revision 2019/ Release of DA Arrears- Reg
175University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A4/1422/2021 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION27/03/2021Broadband Internet Connectivity and WiFi Connectivity in the University - Renewal of agreement with M/s Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) for 2021 -2022 - Sanctioned - Orders Issued.
176University OrderCUSAT/PL(B).A1/1335/2021 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION22/03/2021Annual Maintenance Contract for Telephone Cable Maintenance 2021-2022 - UG Cables and PVC Cables in the Main Campus and Lakeside Campus
177University OrderCUSAT/PL(B).A1/1257/2021 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION18/03/2021Centre for Information Resource Management (CIRM) - Upgradation of Telecommunication System of the University -Sanctioned -Orders issued.
178University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/1345/2021 of Administration G18/03/2021Establishment –Engagement of two Technician Grade I on daily wage basis in CIRM for the period from 22/03/2021 and from 02/04/2021 - Sanctioned – Orders issued
179University OrderCUSAT/AD(E).E3/1247/2021 of Administration E18/03/2021Medical Reimbursement in respect of Sri. Subhash S R, Computer Assistant Senior Grade - Sanctioned - Orders issued
180University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/1215/2021 of Administration G16/03/2021Establishment-Mr. Yamana Santhosh Kumar, Software Developer, CIRM- Transfer and Posting in ARIS LAB of Examination Section -Sanctioned- orders issued
181University OrderCUSAT/AD(C).C1/1196/2021 of Administration C15/03/2021സി ഐ ആർ എം - വാങ്ങലുകളും സാങ്കേതിക കാര്യങ്ങളും - സാങ്കേതിക സമിതി - പുനഃസംഘടന - സംബന്ധിച്ച് CIRM - Purchases and Technical Matters - Reconstitution of Technical Committee - Regarding
182University OrderCUSAT/FIN.A2/1106/2021 of FINANCE08/03/2021Finance section -- Pay Revision 2019 -- Formation of cell for fixation of Pay -- Nomination of Members -M V Sajeev- Sanctioned - Orders issued
183LetterCUSAT/PL(B).A1/36266/2020 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION08/03/2021Prior Administrative sanction to purchase Unified Threat Management Box - reg
184University OrderCUSAT/AD(C).C2/1000/2021 of Administration C04/03/2021Administrative Office – Centre for Information Resource Management-Purchase of servers from M/s.StarOne IT Solutions India Pvt.Ltd and advance payment – Sanctioned – Orders issued
185University OrderAd.A4/174/2018 of Administration A 26/02/2021Establishment - Temporary Promotion of Sweeper cum Cleaners as Office Attendants as per Rule 31(a)(i) KS&SSR - Sanctioned - Sri. K. Radhakrishnan - Orders issued.
186University OrderCUSAT/AD(C).C1/822/2021 of Administration C24/02/2021University Office – Rate Contract of Stationery for a period of one year with effect from 23/02/2021 to 22/02/2022– Sanctioned – Orders Issued
187LetterCUSAT/PL(UGC).A1/2027/2019 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION24/02/2021Installation and Maintenance of CCTVs in the University - Entrusting the work with the Engineering Department - reg,
188LetterAd.G2/Comp.Operator/2019 of Administration G20/02/2021Sri Lal P, Computer Operator, CIRM-Renewal of Contract for the second year-reg
189University OrderCUSAT/PL(B).A1/744/2021 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION19/02/2021Centre for Information Resource Management (CIRM) - Purchase of renewal license for Fortinet Firewall Fortigate 600C- for the year 2021 sanctioned -Orders issued.
190University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/429/2021 of Administration G30/01/2021Establishment –Engagement of System Analyst, Programmer, Technical Assistant, Technician Grade II etc. on daily wage basis in CIRM - Sanctioned – Orders issued
191University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/416/2021 of Administration G30/01/2021Establishment –CIRM- Appointment of Software Developer (on contract basis) - Sri Yamana Santhosh Kumar – Sanctioned - Orders issued
192University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G4/352/2021 of Administration G21/01/2021Implementing Government Orders in the University - Maternity Leave to Contract Employees, Guidelines for permitting LWA under XII A XII C - Orders
193University OrderCUSAT/AD(C).C2/164/2021 of Administration C12/01/2021Administrative office-Digitization of Syndicate Minutes-Purchase of two desktop computers and one ADF Scanner for the purpose-Sanctioned-Orders issued
194University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/167/2021 of Administration G12/01/2021Establishment – Department of Computer Science – Computer Programmers (on contract basis)– Smt. Sreeja A and Kum. Amrutha Manoharan - renewal of contract (for Second Year)-Sanctioned - Orders issued
195University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/163/2021 of Administration G11/01/2021Establishment-CIRM- Technicians Grade I (on daily wage basis)- waiver on break- one day break after 89 days - sanctioned-orders issued
196University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/60/2021 of REGISTRAR OFFICE06/01/2021Establishment- CIRM- Software development and network related activities- Deployment of Technical Staff at CIRM- New Sanctioned Posts -Sanctioned -orders issued
197LetterCUSAT/PL(B).A1/36264/2020 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION31/12/2020Prior Administrative sanction to purchase the renewal license for Fortinet Firewall - Fortigate 600C- Budget Head Modified - reg
198LetterCUSAT/PL(B).A1/36264/2020 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION29/12/2020Prior Administrative sanction to purchase the renewal license for Fortinet Firewall - Fortigate 600C-reg
199CircularPL(UGC)4/CD-ED/2020/I of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION15/12/2020Import of Goods availing Customs duty Exemption - Guidelines - reg
200CircularCUSAT/IA&I.A3/28137/2020 of FINANCE08/12/2020Online purchase of equipments and other utensils- submission of bills to Audit section- Directions -reg
201University OrderCUSAT/AD(A).A1/2666/2020 of Administration A 13/11/2020Establishment - Verification of data and Issue of Identity Cards to Pensioners - Revised modalities- Sanctioned - Orders issued
202University OrderAd.G3/203/2014(T)-I of Administration G02/11/2020Establishment - Remuneration of non teaching staff on dailywage - rate enhanced with effect from 01/07/2019 - Resolution of the Syndicate - Communicated - Orders issued
203University OrderCUSAT/FIN.A2/2554/2020 of FINANCE02/11/2020Finance Section - Fixation of pay of Computer Assistants Grade II promoted as Computer Assistant Grade I and Computer Assistant (Senior Grade) - Sri. Subhash S R - Sanctioned - Orders issued
204LetterCUSAT/AD(C).C2/26254/2020 of Administration C28/10/2020Digitisation of Syndicate Minutes - Purchase of two desktop computers and ADF scanner -administrative sanction to purchase from outside the CPRCS portal-reg
205University OrderCUSAT/AD(A).A1/2489/2020 of Administration A 27/10/2020Establishment – Smt. Aruna Kylas, Assistant Registrar (Audit) – Leave Preparatory to Retirement Consequent promotions and transfers – Sanctioned – Orders Issued - Sri. Aneurin Salim promoted as Assistant Registrar and given additional charge of CIRM
206LetterCUSAT/PL(B).A1/16143/2020 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION13/10/2020Prior administrative sanction for the refurbishment of Office room of the Director ,CIRM including purchase and installation of an Air Conditioner.
207University OrderAd.A4/174/2018 of Administration A 08/10/2020Establishment - Appointment of Sweeper cum Cleaner in Cochin University of Science and Technology - Sri. K. Radhakrishnan - Orders Issued
208University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G3/2309/2020 of Administration G07/10/2020Establishment - Temporary Promotion of Computer Assistant Grade II - Sri. Subhash S R - Sanctioned - Orders issued
209LetterCUSAT/AD(C).C2/14290/2020 of Administration C05/10/2020Purchase of Two High Configuration Rack Servers-Intimating administrative sanction-reg
210LetterPL(UGC)4/CIRM/Internet Vol.II/2012-13 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION25/09/2020Replacement of old network cabling and implementation of structured cabling at the administrative building - Administrative Sanction - reg.
211CircularPL(UGC)4/DSIR-REGN/2015 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION25/09/2020Registration certificate issued by the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR ) - Renewal- reg
212University OrderCUSAT/AD(D).D1/2098/2020 of Administration D18/09/2020Establishment - 'Direct Teaching Learning Process' - Workload of Director, Centre for Information Resource Management to be treated as equivalent to that of a Head of the Department - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
213University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/2122/2020 of Administration G16/09/2020Establishment –Engagement of two Technician Grade I on daily wage basis in CIRM for the period from 24/09/2020 and from 05/10/2020 - Sanctioned – Orders issued
214CircularPL(UGC)4/751(PURSE-II)/2016 PF(2) of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION11/09/2020DST PURSE - 2nd Phase - Purchase of Equipments - Expenditure towards consumables, maintenance of equipment and contingencies - Directions - reg.
215University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/1992/2020 of Administration G29/08/2020Establishment-Sri Shibu A.S., Technical Assistant Grade III, Department of Computer Science- Transfer and Posting in CIRM-sanctioned-orders issued
216University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G3/1886/2020 of Administration G20/08/2020Establishment - Sri. Subhash S R, Computer Assistant Gr II - Rejoining duty after deputation - Posting at CIRM - Sanctioned - Orders issued
217University OrderCUSAT/AD(A).A4/1863/2020 of Administration A 19/08/2020Establishment – Engagement of Sweeper cum Cleaners on daily wage basis w.e.f 08/08/2020 - Sanctioned – Orders issued
218University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G4/1846/2020 of Administration G18/08/2020Establishment - Onam Allownace, Bonus and Advance - August 2020 - Implementation of Government Orders in the University - Regarding
219University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A4/1713/2020 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION04/08/2020Broadband Internet connectivity & WiFi connectivity in the University - Renewal of agreement with M/s Bharath Sanchar Nigam Limited 2020-2021 - Ratification by the Syndicate - Orders issued
220University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G1/1710/2020 of Administration G04/08/2020Establishment-Engineering Department-Posting an Electrician in Centre for Information Resource Management (CIRM) on work arrangement basis- Sri. Sajeer P.S - Sanctioned- Orders issued
221University OrderCUSAT/AD(C).C2/1649/2020 of Administration C28/07/2020Administrative Office – Centre for Information Resource Management – Purchase of 2 numbers of Laptops through CPRCS portal – Sanctioned – Orders issued
222University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/1682/2020 of Administration G24/07/2020Establishment –Smt.Anupama George, System Analyst , CIRM – Renewal of Contract (Second Term)– Sanctioned - Orders issued
223University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A3/1405/2020 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION26/06/2020University Guest House - Permission for rearranging internet, WIFI and intercom facility to University Guest House and Visiting Faculty Complex - Administrative sanction - Orders issued
224University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G3/1356/2020 of Administration G24/06/2020Establishment - Regularisation of provisional appointment and declaration of probation in the cadre of Computer Assistant Grade II- Sri. Subhash S R - Sanctioned - Orders issued
225University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A4/1309/2020 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION19/06/2020Renewal of agreement with M/s Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) for providing E1 connectivity for Direct Inward Dialing through PRI and addition of two landline number to existing PRI at the University as DIDs for the year 2020-2021 - UO modified - Sanctioned- Orders Issued
226University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/1447/2020 of Administration G17/06/2020Establishment –Engagement of two Technician Grade I on daily wage basis in CIRM - Budget Head -Modified from Plan to Non Plan –Orders issued
227University OrderCUSAT/AD(A).A1/1127/2020 of Administration A 01/06/2020Establishment – Augmenting Software Development Network and e-Governance Cell under the umbrella of CIRM - Authorizing Vice Chancellor - Resolution of the Syndicate – Communicated - Orders Issued
228University OrderPLB1/16344/AMC/2017(2) of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION18/05/2020Annual Maintenance Contract for Telephone Cable Maintenance 2020-2021 - UG Cables and PVC Cables in the Main Campus and Lakeside Campus
229University OrderPLB1/16344/AMC/2017(1) of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION13/05/2020Centre for Information Resource Management (CIRM) - Annual Maintenance Contract of EPABX System at Main Campus and Lakeside Campus for the year 2020-2021 - Sanctioned - Orders issued
230University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/963/2020 of Administration G08/05/2020Establishment –Engagement of two Technician Grade I on daily wage basis in CIRM - U.O. modified by removing the break during May-June vacation months –Orders issued
231University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G4/930/2020 of Administration G04/05/2020Establishment - Government Orders on disbursement of salary in respect of contract and dailywage staff during covid pandemic - Adopted for implementation in the University subject to reporting to Syndicate - Sanctioned - Orders issued
232University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/844/2020 of Administration G18/03/2020Establishment – Department of Computer Science – Sri Lal P - Appointment of Computer Operator (on contract basis)- First Term– Sanctioned - Orders issued
233University OrderCUSAT/AD(G).G2/798/2020 of Administration G16/03/2020Establishment –Engagement of two Technician Grade I on daily wage basis in CIRM for the period from 29/03/2020 and from 09/04/2020 - Sanctioned – Orders issued
234University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A4/713/2020 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION09/03/2020Broadband Internet Connectivity and WiFi Connectivity in the University - Renewal of agreement with M/s Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) for 2020-2021 - Sanctioned subject to reporting to Syndicate- Orders Issued.
235University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A3/508/2020 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION22/02/2020Centre for Information Resource Management (CIRM) - purchase of Fortinet Firewall Fortigate 600C - for the year 2020 - Sanctioned - Orders issued
236University OrderCUSAT/AD(A).A4/371/2020 of Administration A 10/02/2020Establishment – Promotion of Sweeper cum Cleaners as Office Attendants Sri. Udayakumar K G, Sri. Saijumon S- Sanctioned – Orders issued.
237University OrderCUSAT/CONF.A2/1664/2019 of CONFERENCE SECTION05/02/2020Digitization of Syndicate Minutes - CIRM - Administrative Sanction - Orders issued
238University OrderPlB1/3880/CIRM/PUR/2012 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION07/12/2019Centre for Information Resource Management - Rate Contract for 'Telecommunication Cabling and Equipments' and 'Lan Cabling' - Fixing - Sanctioned - Orders issued
239University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A1/342/2019 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION17/09/2019Department of Computer Science - Shifting of Computation Facilities to Data Centre - Sanctioned - Orders issued
240University OrderCUSAT/PL(UGC).A1/275/2019 of PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIVISION21/08/2019Centre for Information Resource Management (CIRM) - IPR Studies and Student Amenity Centre - Repairing of burnt fibre cables - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
241University OrderAd.A1/26532/e-governance/2015 of Administration A 30/07/2019Establishment - Software Development of the University under the Centre for Information Resource Management - Resolution of the Syndicate- Modified - Orders issued
242CircularAd.C1/AMC/2015 of Administration C30/05/2018Entrusting the computer-related services to IHRD - Reg.
243University OrderAd.D2/31158/2013 of Administration D13/03/2017Establishment - "Direct Teaching Learning Process" - Calculating workload of teachers in the University - Recommendations of the Sub-Committee constituted by the Academic Council for calculation of workload of teachers in the University - Resolution of Academic Council - Orders issued
244University OrderAd.A1/26532/e-Governance/2015 of Administration A 04/02/2017Establishment - Leave rules for employees appointed on contract basis - Resolution of the Syndicate - Communicated - Orders Issued
245University OrderAd.Dl/2799/86 (II) of Administration D18/02/2016Establishment Hon Director, Centre for Information Resource Management Duties and Responsibilities -Financial Power - Modification - Sanctioned - Orders issued.
246University OrderAd.D1/2799/86 (II) of Administration D05/08/2015Establishment - Honorarium of the Director, CIRM fixed at Rs.2000/- - Syndicate Resolution - Communicated - Orders issued
247University OrderAd.D112799/86 (II) of Administration D15/06/2015Establishment - Hon. Director, Centre for Information Resource Management (CIRM) - Relieving Dr.Jagathy Raj V.P.. Professor, School of Management Studies - Appointing Dr. Santhosh Kumar G as new Hon. Director - Sanctioned- Orders issued.
248University OrderAd.A3/244/90 of Administration A 28/07/1998Technical Cadre (Scientific ) in the University - Qualification, Method of Recruitment, Prmotion under Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) - Sanctioned - Orders issued